How do I make a referral?
Waitlist varies. Assessment requires background information (limitations/restrictions, IME, FCE’s school records, etc.) and specific referral directions, usually contained within referral letter.
1) Contact WCVE to arrange an appointment.
2) Professional Services Agreement/Retainer (for litigated files).
3) Referral letter. It is helpful to provide some guidance in an instruction letter. Court filing dates are valuable.
Sample questions include:
- Please conduct a Vocational Assessment to evaluate the client’s ability to work.
- Generate a list of occupations based on his/her interests and aptitudes.
- Please provide an opinion regarding appropriate alternate employment, wage earning capacity,
return to work barriers, and recommendations to overcome such barriers.
- What factors may impact the client’s vocational rehabilitation, and how?
- Is the client an appropriate candidate for formal training?
- Is s/he a suitable candidate for a one year college level program?
- Are there any other employment options that would be suitable for him/her?
- What are the client’s strengths in relation to training?
- What are the client’s challenges in relation to training?
- Does the client have an occupational goal; namely, is he or she oriented toward employment?
- As a result of the accident, is the client suffering a complete inability to engage in any employment
for which he or she is reasonably suited by education, training or experience?
- Please identify the employment which the client is able to perform.
- Do you have any further comments and/or recommendations regarding the vocational rehabilitation of the client?
4) Documentation.- the type of background information provided varies from file to file.
Please provide hard (paper) copies.
- Independent Medical Evaluations
- School Records
- Income Tax Records
- Employment records
- Resume
- Medical restrictions
- Physical limitations (objective/subjective, permanent/temporary).
- Functional Capacity Evaluations
- OT/PT Intake Reports
- OT/PT Progress Reports
- Initial Vocational Assessments
- Occupational therapists reports
- Physical therapists report
- Ambulance reports